about me page

About Me Page  My name is isaac and I am 11 years old, I go to jane addams middle school in California. My page is going to be about myself. I love to do sports, I like football,basketball,baseball, Let’s just say I like every sport. I also like to do math. I think math is the best subject in the world. Math can help you anywhere in sports,cooking, and a lot more thing. I like playing video games to but most of the time I don’t have time to play them, because I have sport practises on weekdays and my parents only let me play on weekdays so that me. My most favorite video games are black ops one and two. I don’t really like any block ops after black ops one and two because of the double jump. I love dogs, I have three dogs were I live. They are all puppies. I have a german shepherd, an alaskan husky, and a pit bull. My mom loves dogs so much that the three dogs have their own room. I don’t even have my own room. I use to have for dogs but one died four month ago. My sister was closing the garage and my dog came out of knowware and his neck got stuck under the garage. My brother came and pulled the garage up and my dog went lose

One comment

  1. savagedelilah · May 15, 2017 at 5:42 pm ·

    Hey Isaac,
    Cool about me page, I learned many things from you. For example, I didn’t know you had a big brother!